History and Philosophy
Krüger Schools can look back at a history of almost 75 years. It was founded in Osnabrück, a city in Lower Saxony, shortly after the Second World War to aid returning soldiers reintegrating into professional life. In 1954 the founder, Friedrich Krüger, supplemented the vocational school with a boarding house for boys and girls.
In 1967 the schools and the boarding house moved to a newly built campus in the neighbouring village Wersen. Here the son-in law of Friedrich Krüger, Eberhard Mittag, augmented the school concept by the higher business school and the senior high school. At present all German secondary school forms are on offer in the immediate vicinity, thus making the Krüger campus a very attractive centre for living and learning for students of all ages.
In 1981 we arranged the World Congress of the International Schools Association. This gave us many international contacts, resulting in students from all continents visiting our school.
Educating for deference and responsibility
The fundamental principle of our educational concept is to guide our students towards tolerance and deference, and teach them to respect their fellows and to embrace democratic values. It is the key element of our pedagogic efforts to help the students develop the independence and responsibility necessary to reach these objectives.
We do not subscribe to any particular conception of the world. We welcome all students, regardless of religious or political persuasion, cultural or social background, or nationality. We invite them to live and work together, growing to respect each other, learning when to compromise and how to enforce an opinion with solid arguments.
Learning to learn - enjoying the achievements
Many mediocre students never learnt to learn. Most schools fail to teach efficient learning techniques and structured thinking, or even neglect the regular reviewing of homework. In large classes it is also far too easy to hide from challenges. As a consequence students are left alone with their problems.
We have a different approach. It is always rewarding for us to see how young people blossom into confident, responsible team players with sound personalities, drawing pleasure out of their achievements. It is equally rewarding to experience the relief of the parents, who see the children gradually discovering their full potential, while knowing that they are well taken care of in the boarding house.